15 Day Strength and Mobility Challenge

What is the 15 Day Strength and Mobility Challenge: This yoga guide is a 15 day challenge of 30 minute yoga classes a day. Each day we will focus on a different area of the body from lower body, core, to back, arms/chest, and full body. Every class will challenge you to not only increase your flexibility but build strength in these areas of the body.

How Does it work?: From the moment of purchase this challenge is all yours. Meant to be taken at your speed and fit into your busy lifestyle. While we recommend taking this challenge consecutively, do what works for you! Broken down into 3 weeks this yoga guide only calls for 30 minutes out of your day for 5 days per week. Week 1 you will be introduced to each class and challenged in your practice. By week 2 we will continue to build on that foundation with a familiarity for the classes from week 1. Moving into week 3 you will see and feel the difference in your strength and mobility as we work to up level your practice.


A Fire and Flow blog


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