About Fire & Flow

and Gii


Fire & flow is the culmination of Vinyasa Yoga in the form of a sequence that synchronize to unlikely music. Flow to your favorite EDM, R&B, Hip hop, or even pop song that will set your soul aflame. Through these classes you will get out of your head and into your body for your deepest mind body connection.


My name is Gii. I have been practicing yoga since 2008 and teaching since 2015. As a young girl I was first drawn to yoga because I was interested in the mind body connection. Although the only connection I found at the time was the connection between yoga and napping by the end of the sixty minute class. Thirteen years later I’m happy to report I can get through a class without falling asleep— But I always encourage my students to take a snooze on the mat if that’s what their body is calling them to do!

Fire & Flow is what I want to give all of my students. My favorite classes, experiences, and feedback from students is when class gives a connection between body and mind. That feeling that lights you on fire and makes you feel like you can do anything. By using songs students recognize they become present, vibing to their favorite beat. Coupled with a sequence that requires their full attention to move their bodies, students achieve the ultimate flow. By connecting mind through presence, and by focusing on your poses we connect the conscious mind into the physical body. My hope for every one of my students is that they find the fire ignited within during class, discover the feeling of flow as they move, and walk off their mats with a new sense of self to take into their day, week, or maybe even life.