3 Reasons To Take Online Fitness Classes

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Benefits to online fitness and why you should give it a try as our world begins to open back up.

Now I’m obviously biased as an online fitness instructor myself, but I think I can convince you that online fitness, whatever type you love, is worth keeping in your arsenal as our world opens back up. 

You might be saying, “but it’s all about the vibes!” I think we can agree that taking a class in person is an experience. For some it’s life changing, but for others it’s a deterrent. For me personally, there is nothing like the feeling of everyone being in their own state of flow but also together in unison; it truly creates a bond. 

When the pandemic hit, we all found ourselves in a new place of solitude, fear, and monotony. Breaking up the days, whether you lost your job or not, became a job in itself. It was from that place that virtual socializing became imperative. 2020 and even this year has brought to light just how crucial taking time for oneself, and finding inner peace is. Enter online fitness classes stage left. Even as we collectively go back into pre-pandemic life and start to set foot back into our old studios, gyms, and classes, I still can’t recommend it enough! Here are 3 reasons to take online fitness classes.

1. You can find a community from anywhere in the world:

After 15 months of practicing virtually we met in person to take class as a community.  Although it was our first time ever meeting in person we all felt like old friends!

After 15 months of practicing virtually we met in person to take class as a community. Although it was our first time ever meeting in person we all felt like old friends!

No one is new to the thought of taking fitness classes virtually. With everything from Jane Fonda’s 1982 workout tapes, to Peloton’s streaming platform, the options have been around for some time. What is new is the utility of it. No longer for one type of person or another, online fitness classes showed us throughout the pandemic that although we are physically far away, we can still be together. We can find community and human connection virtually. 

If you’re thinking, “I can’t feel as humanly connected with big platform like Peloton, or Glo,” try finding a smaller business. What makes small businesses with online fitness classes standout is that teachers can get to know everyone in their classes and students can start to see familiar faces over zoom. An added bonus is that with a smaller community teachers often create classes centered around requests from students, creating more personalized workouts.  

2. You can workout like no one is watching:

Whether you’re new to fitness classes or want to keep your love for Zumba a secret, taking fitness classes online allows you the freedom to move in the comfort of your living room. If you’re taking class over zoom you can turn your camera off and if you’re just feeling like holding that child’s pose for 60 minutes, you’re in charge. With a year under your belt of muscle memory on how to move your living room furniture there will always be a time and place for at home workouts. 

Maybe you found a new love for yoga or pilates, but still aren’t comfortable being in the same room as others. At home, online classes are your safe haven to build confidence in your practice, strength, or even just your fitness vernacular.

3. Take “you time” on the go:

If quarantine taught us anything it’s that mental health is a priority. Taking time for yourself to do something healthy, move your body, and have a little fun doing it makes a world of difference in your everyday life. Taking fitness classes online allows you to do all that from your phone or computer, no matter the time of day or location. 

Committing to one type of online fitness or another will allow you a virtual accountability partner who’s on your travel/work/sleep schedule. With online fitness classes, excuses as to why you didn’t move your body that day become scarce.

What virtual fitness offers is human connection and a community from where ever you are in the world. It allows you to explore your fitness journey in the comfort of your own home and with features like on demand classes, you have the freedom to practice with a guide on your schedule. As our world beginning to open again, we are all feeling the itch to get out and be social. That means schedules are filling up and our health and wellness routine can get pushed to the back burner. Take your time to find the right fit for online fitness classes. Maybe live virtual classes feel more engaging to you, or maybe you’re the type to enjoy pre set guides. Don’t be afraid to mix up your routine and have fun! As the world opens back up, don’t forget to take time for you.


Yoga is for EVERYbody


Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) Variations