Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) Variations

Handstand Variations: Even if you're not ready to stand on your hands for minutes, this asana is for you. 
Below are variations of the handstand that will aid you on your handstand journey!

  • holding a plank with feet raised (ex. on a couch or chair)

  • holding a handstand against a wall (back towards the wall)

  • free standing handstand kicks (even if you don't get both legs straight)

  • free standing handstands (evening if you don't hold it!)

Try it in a flow! Here is a video of a flow that leads into a handstand. Take the flow, use your ujjayi breath and test it out. Feel free to change it, add on, modify!

Breakdown of the Flow

  1. Tadasana - Mountain Pose

  2. Eka Pada Tadasana - One legged Mountain Pose

  3. Utthita Hasta Padangustansana - Standing Big Toe Hold*

  4. Navasana - Boat Pose

  5. Halasana - Plough Pose

  6. Eka Pada Tadasana - One legged Mountain Pose

  7. Virabhadrasana III - Warrior 3

  8. Adho Mukha Vrksasana - Handstand

*I use both hands because I can't flow to a boat pose without it!


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