Body Talk

Body talk, “listen to your body” is something I say the entire duration of class. Body talk in yoga is everything. During class it’s what tells us when to pull back and when to go deeper. It’s what helps us grow and keeps us safe. Body talk though isn’t just limited to what our body tells us, it is also what we tell our bodies that make us whole, and connects our mental with our physical being.

This week I found my own conversation with my body struggling because sometimes when fitness is your work you feel like your appearance is under inspection. So watching my practice back on video I couldn’t help but see the parts, body parts specifically, I didn’t like. Then I had to remember, (or get reminded by my boyfriend) that my body is doing amazing things here and what I am seeing is muscle and strength I’ve worked for.

I filmed a video in these leggings, that when I bought didn’t fit because they were too big, and now don’t fit because they’re too small. I had to remember I was excited to have out grown my favorite leggings because it meant I was happy, heathy, and listening to my body.

These conversations back and forth from our mind and body are so important, and won’t be ignored. They must be tended gently and with love. I know we all have different conversations with ourselves and it’s easy to compare. In the end the relationship we have with ourself is never the same as the person next to us, it’s special, it’s all you.

Can’t wait to see everyone in class. Come to class and let’s get strong together and see all the wonderful things our bodies can do. I hope to see new faces and old. Get ready for a great flow that will get you hot and sweaty! 


Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) Variations


A Personal Practice For Peace