A Personal Practice For Peace

This is my personal practice. It’s not perfect but it’s me :). I’ve always found I get into that “flow” state when I’m pushing my limits and synced up with the music playing so when I practice on my own that’s what I do. In distressing times like these we all have to find ways to continue to connect our mind and body to stay grounded, happy, and inspired.

Getting IN my head about stress and anxiety is easy, connecting my mind and body is incredibly hard for me. That’s why it happens most when I make my yoga flows hard. Flows where I have to focus each inhale or exhale to each movement, to each beat. Then miraculously it happens! I actually do it, I get outside myself and present in the moment, I celebrate my body for the wonders it’s achieving, and get out my head.

It’s been really nice to come on to social media and see everyone sharing their work, thoughts, and gifts to fill up the ether with positivity. I get a little nervous about doing it myself but thought I’d give it a try. I’m thinking of posting more of my flows, and teaching another zoom class. These are the kind of classes I teach, with music you know and flows you’ll learn to take with you. I always try to bring the fire and flow to every class for every student. If you’re interested or have thoughts, let me know!


Body Talk